Participation criteria


In order to qualify for this trial, participants must be:

  1. male or female

  2. 12 to 18 years old

  3. have vitiligo for any length of time

  4. have a minimum vitiligo lesion of 3 cm2 completely (100%) depigmented, or a 6cm2 50% depigmented lesion

  5. the vitiligo must be stable or progressing – worsening (not regressing or healing)

The presence of any factors below will exclude the participant from the trial:

  1. history of skin cancers

  2. allergy to Ginkgo biloba

  3. any treatment for vitiligo within the last 2 months

  4. use of Ginkgo biloba within the last 2 months

  5. use of medications contraindicated with Ginkgo biloba:

  6. 5-FU, Cyclosporine

  7. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drugs

  8. Anticoagulants, Anti-platelet drugs, NSAIDs, Pentoxifylline

  9. Anticonvulsants

  10. Antihypertensives

  11. Antipsychotics

  12. Hypoglycemic Oral Agents

  13. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

  14. Nifedipine

  15. Papaverine, Yohimbine, Sildenafil

  16. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

  17. Thiazide diuretics